146 Bob cut in on our conversation, saying, "I'm against it!" But everybody ignores him. ボブが「それには反対だ!」と行って会話に割り込んできた。けれども、誰も耳を貸さなかった。 147 We skipped his turn o...
137 We cannot turn our backs on desperate people who are at risk. 危機にさらされ、わらにもすがる思いでいる人々を、私たちは放っておけない。 138 The parliament decided to provide developing countri...
126 The auditorium was empty except for a single piece of furniture. たった一つの家具を除けば、講堂はがらんどうだった。 127 Any apartment will do as long as the rent is low. I'm not pa...
SECTION 1 001 We must respect the will of the individual. 個人の意思は尊重しなければならない。 002 Take it easy. I can assure you that everything will turn out fine. 気楽にいけよ。大丈夫、...
114 Put this stuff away! It's in the way. ここにあるものを片付けなさい。邪魔よ。 115 When the kids made believe they were dinosaurs, they were scolded by their mother. 子供たちが恐竜ごっこ...
101 I was amazed to see that our utility bills came to so much! うちの光熱費がそんな額になっているのを知ってびっくりした。 102 "Turn the faucet off!" mom yelled in a rage. 「水道の栓を閉めなさい!」とお母...
092 Bringing flammable items into the cabin is prohibited. 機内への可燃物の持ち込みは禁止されています。 093 Our flight to Vienna delayed on account of a minor accident. ちょっとした事故が原因で...
076 The chairman cut me off, saying, "Time to wind things up. Let's take a vote." 議長は私の話を遮って、「話し合いはここまでにして決を採りましょう。」と言った。 077 We exchanged frank opinions in th...
063 "Anything else?" "That's it." "For here or to go?" "To go." 「ほかにご注文は?」「それだけです。」「こちらでお召し上がりですか?」「持ち帰ります」 064 "How much is this rug?" "$100 including tax." "...
046 They are entitled to be compensated for their injuries. 彼らには、けがに対する補償を受ける権利がある。 047 So far, no less than 200 people have died of the flu epidemic. インフルエンザの...